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02 302 0881

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Via G. B. Giorgini, 13 Milano

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Enki deals with the entire life cycle of landfills from design, implementation to end-of-life management.

Our expertise extends to the design and construction of waste treatment, processing and storage facilities.

The landfills, as authorised under Legislative Decree No 36/2003 and now in post-management phase, are located in Piedmont and Lombardy:

• District of Cascina Notaria-Pozzolo Formigaro (AL) with a capacity of approximately 270,000 cubic metres,
• District of Ciorlucca - Alice Castello (VC) with a capacity of approximately 430,000 cubic metres;
• District of Regusella - Cerro Maggiore (MI) with a capacity of approximately 99,000 cubic metres.

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